
文章来源:海运网(周六, 2016年4月16日)

装船单 shipping order
提货单 delivery order
装船通知 shipping advice
包裹收据 parcel receipt
准装货单 shipping permit
租船契约 charter party
租船人 charterer
程租船||航次租赁 voyage charter
期租船 time charter
允许装卸时间 ①lay days ②laying days

工作日 working days
连续天数 ①running days ②consecutive days

滞期费 demurrage
滞期日数 demurrage days
速遣费 despatch money
空舱费 dead freight
退关 ①short shipment ②goods short shipped③goods shut out ④shut-outs
赔偿保证书(信托收据) ①letter of indemnity②trust receipt
装载 loading
卸货 ①unloading ②discharging ③landing

装运重量 ①shipping weight ②in-take-weight
卸货重量 landing weight
压舱 ballasting
压舱货 in ballast
舱单 manifest
船泊登记证书 ship's certificate of registry
航海日记 ship's log
船员名册 muster-roll
(船员,乘客)健康证明 bill of health
光票 clean bill

不清洁提单 foul bill
有疑问提单 suspected bill
托(运)单 S/O Shipping Order
提单 B/L Bill of Lading
提单副本 B/L Copy
海运提单 OBL Ocean Bill of Lading
无船承运人提单 HBL House Bill of Lading
全程提单 TBL Through Bill of Lading
预借提单 Advanced BL Advanced Bill of lading
倒签提单 Anti-Dated BL Anti-dated Bill of Lading

空白提单 Blank BL Blank Bill of Lading
指示提单 'To Order'B/L
并单(提单 Combined Bill
拆单(提单 Separate Bill
备运提单 Received for Shipment B/L
转船提单 Transhipment B/L
联运提单 Through B/L
发(收)货人栏(格) Shipper(Consignee)Box
到货通知书 Arrival Notice
舱单 M/F

批量报备 Batch Filing
舱单数据不符 Manifest Discrepancy
收到舱单回执 Acknowledgement of Manifest Receipt
装箱单 Packing List
承运货物收据 Cargo Receipt
场站收据 D/R Dock Receipt
交货单(小提单) D/O Delivery Order
货主出口申报单 Shipper'sExport Declaration
装运通知(似舱单 NVOCC用) Shipping Advice
舱单信息 Manifest information

舱单更改单(通知) FCN Freight Correction Notice
交回提单副本 Surrender O B/L copies for consignment
货物收讫单 Release Note receipt signed by customeracknowledging delivery of goods


Kaisen Logistics, Inc. CHB
333 Jericho Tpke Ste 118
Jericho, NY 11753
电话: 718-889-6252
传真: 718-685-2387

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